start_time <- Sys.time()
Exercício de visualização da frente de Pareto para problemas multiobjetivo
PhD. Candidature exercise
Modelos de regressão de processos gaussianos, também conhecidos como modelos de krigagem, são aplicado à otimização multiobjetivo global de funções de caixa preta. Melhoria esperada multiobjetivo e redução gradual da incerteza via critérios de preenchimento sequencial estão disponíveis. Uma quantificação da incerteza nas frentes de Pareto é fornecida usando simulações condicionais.
A modelagem numérica de sistemas complexos é hoje um processo essencial em campos tão diversos quanto ciências naturais, engenharia, qualidade ou economia. Juntamente com os esforços de modelagem, métodos foram desenvolvidos para a exploração e análise de simuladores correspondentes, em particular quando as execuções são demoradas. Uma abordagem popular neste caso é confiar em modelos substitutos para aliviar o gasto computacional. Muitos modelos substitutos são usados na prática: polinômios, splines, regressão vetorial de suporte, funções de base radial, random forests ou processos gaussianos (GP).
A otimização é um processo para melhoria. O objetivo da otimização é encontrar uma solução que possa maximizar ou minimizar a função objetivo única de acordo com as restrições. Por exemplo, queremos maximizar o lucro e, ao mesmo tempo, minimizar o custo de produção. Se o problema tiver mais de um único objetivo, o problema pode ser modificado para ser um problema de objetivo único, como agregar seu valor e dar peso a cada função objetivo. No entanto, este método tem algumas desvantagens:
Enquanto isso, no problema de otimização multiobjetivo (MOOP), o trade-off pode ser identificado, pois o algoritmo MOOP fornece várias soluções na frente de Pareto. Várias soluções também dão ao tomador de decisão alguma alternativa para escolher em vez de uma única solução.
Como o MOOP tem mais de uma função objetivo, não podemos dizer diretamente se a solução A é melhor que a solução B. Temos algo chamado dominância de Pareto.
O Problema de Otimização Multiobjetivo está preocupado em encontrar vetores \(\vec{x} \epsilon \Omega\) que otimizam a função vetorial \(\vec{f}\vec{_(x)}\).
Em um problema de minimização, um vetor \(\vec{x}\) disse para dominar \(\vec{y}\) (denotado por \(\vec{x} \prec \vec{y}\)) se:
\(f_i \vec{x} \leq f_i \vec{y}\,\,\forall \,\, i\) na função \(f_i\)
Existe pelo menos um \(i\) que satisfaz \(f_i \vec{x} < f_i \vec{y}\)
Resumindo, se temos uma solução chamada solução \(x\), diz-se que a solução domina (sendo melhor que) outra solução, chamada solução \(y\), se todas as funções objetivo da solução \(x\) são menores ou iguais que todas as funções objetivo da solução \(y\) e há pelo menos uma função objetivo da solução \(x\) que é melhor (tem menor valor na minimização) do que a função objetivo da solução \(y\).
Uma solução é dita dominante se tiver pelo menos um valor de função objetivo que é melhor que o outro enquanto tem valor melhor ou igual em outra função objetivo. Observe o gráfico abaixo.
Suponha que tenhamos alguma solução (vamos chamá-la de solução A, B, C e D) com o valor da primeira função objetivo como o eixo \(x\) (\(f1\)) e a segunda função objetivo (\(f2\)) como o eixo \(y\). Ambas as funções objetivo são um problema de minimização, portanto, quanto mais próxima a posição do canto inferior esquerdo, melhor é a solução. A partir da figura acima, podemos inferir várias coisas:
A solução B é dita não dominada pela solução A, uma vez que \(f1\) de A é menor que B, mas \(f2\) é maior que B;
Como as soluções A e B não são dominadas entre si, elas pertencem ao mesmo grupo/frente A solução C é dominada pela solução A e B, pois a \(f1\) de C é menor que A e B, com \(f2\) de C menor que B ou igual a A;
Como a solução C é dominada por A e B, ela pertence à frente inferior (frente 2).
A solução D é dominada pelas soluções A, B e C porque ambos os valores objetivos são piores que eles.
Como a solução D é dominada por A, B e C, ela pertence à frente mais baixa (frente 3).
A fronteira verdadeira de Pareto é um conjunto de soluções ótimas que buscamos alcançar na otimização multiobjetivo.
Consideramos o seguinte problema simples de otimização bi-objetivo unidimensional a partir da literatura, ver, por exemplo, Van Veldhuizen e Lamont (1999), redimensionado para [0, 1], para ilustrar as diferentes etapas do procedimento e os principais conceitos da otimização multiobjetivo baseada em Processos Gaussianos:
\[ \mbox{MOP2}(x)=\left\{\begin{array}{rc} f_1&=\quad 1-exp((1-x)^2)\\ f_2&=\quad 1-exp((1-x)^2) \end{array}\right. \]
Primeiro definimos o projeto inicial dos experimentos
, seis pontos uniformemente espaçados entre
zero e um) e calculamos o conjunto correspondente de observações
, que usamos para construir dois modelos de
krigagem com a função km
de DiceKriging e
colocá-los em uma única lista (model
design.init <- matrix(seq(0, 1, length.out = 6), ncol = 1)
response.init <- MOP2(design.init)
mf1 <- km(~1, design = design.init, response = response.init[, 1])
optimisation start
* estimation method : MLE
* optimisation method : BFGS
* analytical gradient : used
* trend model : ~1
* covariance model :
- type : matern5_2
- nugget : NO
- parameters lower bounds : 1e-10
- parameters upper bounds : 2
- best initial criterion value(s) : -1.178501
N = 1, M = 5 machine precision = 2.22045e-16
At X0, 0 variables are exactly at the bounds
At iterate 0 f= 1.1785 |proj g|= 1.1474
At iterate 1 f = 1.1693 |proj g|= 0.0015272
At iterate 2 f = 1.1693 |proj g|= 9.3009e-05
At iterate 3 f = 1.1693 |proj g|= 8.6254e-09
iterations 3
function evaluations 6
segments explored during Cauchy searches 3
BFGS updates skipped 0
active bounds at final generalized Cauchy point 0
norm of the final projected gradient 8.62538e-09
final function value 1.16935
F = 1.16935
final value 1.169347
mf2 <- km(~1, design = design.init, response = response.init[, 2])
optimisation start
* estimation method : MLE
* optimisation method : BFGS
* analytical gradient : used
* trend model : ~1
* covariance model :
- type : matern5_2
- nugget : NO
- parameters lower bounds : 1e-10
- parameters upper bounds : 2
- best initial criterion value(s) : -1.236668
N = 1, M = 5 machine precision = 2.22045e-16
At X0, 0 variables are exactly at the bounds
At iterate 0 f= 1.2367 |proj g|= 0.29549
At iterate 1 f = 1.1866 |proj g|= 0.27077
At iterate 2 f = 1.1706 |proj g|= 0.41199
At iterate 3 f = 1.1694 |proj g|= 0.040717
At iterate 4 f = 1.1693 |proj g|= 0.00097351
At iterate 5 f = 1.1693 |proj g|= 2.4191e-06
At iterate 6 f = 1.1693 |proj g|= 1.43e-10
iterations 6
function evaluations 8
segments explored during Cauchy searches 6
BFGS updates skipped 0
active bounds at final generalized Cauchy point 0
norm of the final projected gradient 1.43004e-10
final function value 1.16935
F = 1.16935
final value 1.169347
model <- list(mf1, mf2)
Em seguida, chamamos a função principal GParetoptim
realizar sete etapas de otimização usando o critério EHI. Observe que
EHI requer um ponto de referência como parâmetro, que corresponde para
um limite superior para cada objetivo (aqui [2, 2], se não fornecido, é
estimado em cada iteração). As outras entradas obrigatórias são o modelo
de models
GP, a função objetivo fn
, número de
passos (nsteps
) e os limites de projeto (lower
e upper
res <- GParetoptim(model = model,
fn = MOP2,
crit = "EHI",
nsteps = 7,
lower = 0,
upper = 1,
critcontrol = list(refPoint = c(2, 2)) )
Starting optimization with :
The criterion EHI
The solver genoud
Ite / Crit / New x / New y
1 / 0.0603 / 0.5 / 0.632 0.632
2 / 0.04 / 0.745 / 0.000325 0.98
3 / 0.0361 / 0.252 / 0.981 4.57e-05
4 / 0.0154 / 0.453 / 0.756 0.483
5 / 0.0154 / 0.547 / 0.483 0.756
6 / 0.00903 / 0.349 / 0.924 0.144
7 / 0.00891 / 0.651 / 0.146 0.923
Por padrão, o GParetoptim
imprime os pontos escolhidos e
suas avaliações correspondentes, juntamente com o valor do critério de
amostragem. O critério aqui diminui quase monotonicamente, uma vez que à
medida que a exploração avança a melhoria restante (ganho de hipervolume
obtido por uma nova observação) diminui. A Figura a seguir ilustra os
resultados deste problema 1D e mostra a capacidade dos modelos de
Processo Gaussianos para aprender com precisão funções em regiões de
destino (o conjunto de Pareto) com base em algumas observações
Resumo do procedimento de otimização no exemplo unidimensional.
Acima: as funções objetivo estão em preto, com pontos de design em azul. Os pontos vermelhos mostram o conjunto de Pareto.
A figura da direita mostra o problema no espaço objetivo (\(f1\) vs. \(f2\) para todos os \(x\)). A linha vermelha mostra todas as soluções ótimas de Pareto do problema e a linha azul é o Pareto atual frente com base nas seis observações.
Meio: modelos de processos gaussianos correspondentes a ambos os objetivos com base nas observações iniciais e no critério de aquisição correspondente (melhoria de hipervolume esperada) que é maximizado para selecionar a próxima observação.
Abaixo: modelos de processos gaussianos no final do processo de otimização e a frente de Pareto retornada pelo método.
Consideramos agora o problema de otimização mais complexo (P1) dado em Parr (2012):
\[ \mbox{P1}(x)=\left\{\begin{array}{rc} f_1&=\quad (x_2 - 5.1(x_1 / (2\pi))^2 + \frac{5}{\pi} x_1 -6)^2 +10 ((1-\frac{1}{8\pi})cos(x_1)+1)\\ f_2&=\quad -\sqrt{(10.5-x_1)(x_1 + 5.5)(x_2 + 0.5)} - \frac{(x_2 - 5.1(x_1 / (2\pi))^2 - 6)^2}{30} - \frac{(1-\frac{1}{8\pi})cos(x_1) +1}{3} \end{array}\right. \]
com \(x_1 \in [-5,10]\) e \(x_2 \in [0,15]\) reescalonado para \([0,1]^2\) no pacote GPareto
Em particular, o primeiro objetivo é a função Branin-Hoo que introduz a
Neste exemplo analítico, é possível exibir a verdadeira frente de
Pareto e definir usando a função plotParetoGrid
P1 # Abro a função P1 definida no R
function (x)
if (is.null(dim(x))) {
x <- matrix(x, nrow = 1)
b1 <- 15 * x[, 1] - 5
b2 <- 15 * x[, 2]
return(cbind((b2 - 5.1 * (b1/(2 * pi))^2 + 5/pi * b1 - 6)^2 +
10 * ((1 - 1/(8 * pi)) * cos(b1) + 1), -sqrt((10.5 -
b1) * (b1 + 5.5) * (b2 + 0.5)) - 1/30 * (b2 - 5.1 * (b1/(2 *
pi))^2 - 6)^2 - 1/3 * ((1 - 1/(8 * pi)) * cos(b1) + 1)))
<bytecode: 0x000000002cc01450>
<environment: namespace:GPareto>
Como no exemplo anterior, primeiro construímos um conjunto inicial de (dez) observações e uma lista de dois modelos de processos gaussianos:
d <- 2
ninit <- 10
fun <- P1
design <- lhsDesign(ninit, d, seed = 42)$design
response <- t(apply(design, 1, fun))
mf1 <- km(~., design = design, response = response[, 1])
optimisation start
* estimation method : MLE
* optimisation method : BFGS
* analytical gradient : used
* trend model : ~X1 + X2
* covariance model :
- type : matern5_2
- nugget : NO
- parameters lower bounds : 1e-10 1e-10
- parameters upper bounds : 1.691138 1.841373
- best initial criterion value(s) : -50.99705
N = 2, M = 5 machine precision = 2.22045e-16
At X0, 0 variables are exactly at the bounds
At iterate 0 f= 50.997 |proj g|= 0.88275
At iterate 1 f = 50.834 |proj g|= 0.77849
At iterate 2 f = 50.691 |proj g|= 0.28739
At iterate 3 f = 50.673 |proj g|= 0.01977
At iterate 4 f = 50.673 |proj g|= 0.0048108
At iterate 5 f = 50.673 |proj g|= 0.0010824
At iterate 6 f = 50.673 |proj g|= 0.00015228
iterations 6
function evaluations 10
segments explored during Cauchy searches 7
BFGS updates skipped 0
active bounds at final generalized Cauchy point 0
norm of the final projected gradient 0.000152282
final function value 50.6729
F = 50.6729
final value 50.672905
mf2 <- km(~., design = design, response = response[, 2])
optimisation start
* estimation method : MLE
* optimisation method : BFGS
* analytical gradient : used
* trend model : ~X1 + X2
* covariance model :
- type : matern5_2
- nugget : NO
- parameters lower bounds : 1e-10 1e-10
- parameters upper bounds : 1.691138 1.841373
- best initial criterion value(s) : -23.64731
N = 2, M = 5 machine precision = 2.22045e-16
At X0, 0 variables are exactly at the bounds
At iterate 0 f= 23.647 |proj g|= 0.75613
At iterate 1 f = 23.522 |proj g|= 0.68996
At iterate 2 f = 23.455 |proj g|= 0.64522
At iterate 3 f = 23.389 |proj g|= 0.5698
At iterate 4 f = 23.359 |proj g|= 0.26877
At iterate 5 f = 23.355 |proj g|= 0.037886
At iterate 6 f = 23.355 |proj g|= 0.0036691
At iterate 7 f = 23.355 |proj g|= 0.0002419
At iterate 8 f = 23.355 |proj g|= 0.00014036
iterations 8
function evaluations 10
segments explored during Cauchy searches 9
BFGS updates skipped 0
active bounds at final generalized Cauchy point 0
norm of the final projected gradient 0.000140364
final function value 23.3548
F = 23.3548
final value 23.354816
model <- list(mf1, mf2)
Agora, chamamos diretamente a função crit_optimizer
escolher o próximo ponto a ser avaliado usando o critério SUR. Aqui, a
entrada optimcontrol
é usada para escolher o algoritmo
para a otimização do critério. A entrada
nos permite escolher os pontos de integração
para o critério, aqui uma grade regular de 21 × 21.
x.grid <- seq(0, 1, length.out = 21)
test.grid <- expand.grid(x.grid, x.grid)
SURcontrol <- list(integration.points = test.grid)
omEGO1 <- crit_optimizer(crit = "SUR", model = model, lower = c(0, 0),
upper = c(1, 1), critcontrol = list(SURcontrol = SURcontrol),
optimcontrol = list(method = "genoud", pop.size = 20,
int.seed = 2, unif.seed = 3)
Agora, vamos supor que \(f2\) é
consideravelmente mais rápido de avaliar do que \(f1\). Dividimos o objetivo em duas funções
separadas, fun1
e fun2
, e substituímos o
segundo modelo GP por um objeto 'fastfun'
fun1 <- function(x) P1(x)[, 1]
fun2 <- function(x) P1(x)[, 2]
fastmf2 <- fastfun(fn = fun2, design = design, response = response[, 2])
model2 <- list(mf1, fastmf2)
O script para procurar a próxima observação é idêntico.
Na Figura a seguir, mostramos o conjunto inicial de observações e o próximo ponto a ser avaliado de acordo com cada configuração. Para fins de ilustração, as curvas de nível dos critérios também são calculadas.
[figura aqui]
Vemos que usando o objeto ‘fastfun’
(daí, informações
adicionais), o critério SMS apontam claramente para uma região mais
estreita, que além disso é bastante diferente das indicadas pela outra
configuração. Em ambos os casos, os loops internos de otimização
encontram com sucesso o valor global máximo das superfícies dos
Agora, aplicamos quatro etapas do SUR, primeiro com dois objetivos
regulares, depois com o contexto fastfun
sol <- GParetoptim(model = model, fn = fun, crit = "SUR", nsteps = 4,
lower = c(0, 0), upper = c(1, 1), optimcontrol = list(method = "pso"),
critcontrol = list(SURcontrol = list(distrib = "SUR", n.points = 50)))
Starting optimization with :
The criterion SUR
The solver pso
Ite / Crit / New x / New y
1 / -0.0785 / 0.287 0.772 / 36.7 -27.1
2 / -0.0695 / 0.246 1 / 57.1 -30.7
3 / -0.03 / 0.2 0.879 / 18.2 -26.2
4 / -0.0258 / 0.408 0.971 / 118 -33.4
solFast <- GParetoptim(model = list(mf1), fn = fun1, cheapfn = fun2,
crit = "SUR", nsteps = 4, lower = c(0, 0), upper = c(1, 1),
optimcontrol = list(method = "pso"),
critcontrol = list(SURcontrol = list(distrib = "SUR", n.points = 50)))
Starting optimization with :
The criterion SUR
The solver pso
Ite / Crit / New x / New y
1 / -0.2 / 0.251 1 / 60 -30.9
2 / -0.0492 / 0.257 0.84 / 35.1 -27.6
3 / -0.0375 / 0.159 0.818 / 3.14 -23
4 / -0.0317 / 0.192 0.87 / 14.7 -25.6
Em seguida, geramos os processos de pós-tratamento usando
As saídas gráficas são dados na Figura a
seguir. Parâmetros opcionais f1lim
e f2lim
usados para fixar limites para o gráficos superiores para permitir uma
melhor comparação.
lim1 <- seq(-50, 240, length.out = 51) # 51 for speed and lighter vignette
lim2 <- seq(-35, 0, length.out = 51)
plotGPareto(sol, UQ_PF = TRUE, UQ_PS = TRUE, UQ_dens = TRUE,
control = list(f1lim = lim1, f2lim = lim2))
Vorob'ev deviation: 349.8597
plotGPareto(solFast, UQ_PF = TRUE, UQ_PS = TRUE, UQ_dens = TRUE,
control = list(f1lim = lim1, f2lim = lim2))
Vorob'ev deviation: 226.0748
Primeiro, vemos o interesse de usar a classe ‘fastfun’
quando alguns objetivos são baratos para computar: A frente de Pareto
obtida desta forma é muito mais precisa (Figura, parte superior), em
particular para valores baixos do segundo objetivo.
Curiosamente, as duas expectativas de Vorob’ev são semelhantes e fornecem uma previsão muito boa da frente de Pareto real (Figura 4), exceto para os valores mais baixos do primeiro objetivo. No entanto, os desvios de Vorob’ev (áreas cinzentas) mostram uma maior incerteza local para esta parte da frente.
No geral, os valores de desvio de Vorob’ev (394 e 296,
respectivamente) indicam uma melhor confiança na frente de Pareto
prevista usando fastfun.
[figura aqui]
Os gráficos de probabilidade e densidade (Figura 6, segunda e
terceira linhas, respectivamente) fornecem informações complementares
sobre o conjunto de Pareto (espaço de entrada). Os gráficos de
probabilidade indicam regiões interessantes (brancas) e desinteressantes
(pretas), bem como incertas (cinza), mas não não fornecem uma visão
clara sobre o conjunto de Pareto. Aqui, em ambos os casos, as grandes
áreas cinzentas mostram que observações adicionais podem ser benéficas,
o que é consistente com a grande diferença entre a atual frente de
Pareto e a expectativa de Vorob’ev (Figura 6, superior). No outro por
outro lado, as densidades fornecem estimativas bastante precisas do
conjunto de Pareto, em particular para a configuração
Finalmente, pode-se querer extrair pontos da expectativa de Vorob’ev
da frente de Pareto (ou seja, a entrada realizando um trade-off
específico) que ainda não foram observadas. Para isso, no final, a
função getDesign
retorna o design mais provável dado um
alvo no espaço objetivo, e pode ser chamado da seguinte forma:
newPoint <- getDesign(model = sol$lastmodel, target = c(55, -30),
lower = c(0, 0), upper = c(1, 1), optimcontrol = list(method = "pso"))
Aqui, escolhemos um alvo \([55,
−30]\) que está na expectativa de Vorob’ev, onde a incerteza é
pequena, mas onde nenhuma observação está próxima (Figura 6, canto
superior esquerdo). A saída getDesign
é uma lista com o
valor do projeto (par), o valor do critério, ou seja, a probabilidade
que o objetivo newPoint não é dominado pelo alvo) (valor, aqui 90%) e o
Processo Gaussiano de previsão de cada objetivo com a incerteza
associada ((mean
), (sd
) e intervalos de
Aqui, o valor do segundo objetivo atinge a meta com grande confiança, mas o primeiro valor objetivo é bastante incerto.
O problema de aplicação é replicado para os estudos encontrados em Zhao et alli (2019) e em Anagnostopolous e Mamanis (2010)
O problema de otimização de portfólio preocupa-se em gerenciar o portfólio de ativos que minimize os objetivos de risco sujeitos à restrição para garantir um determinado nível de retorno. Um dos princípios fundamentais do investimento financeiro é a diversificação (MarkoWitz), onde os investidores diversificam seus investimentos em diferentes tipos de ativos. A diversificação da carteira minimiza a exposição dos investidores aos riscos e maximiza os retornos das carteiras. Em alguns casos, é muito difícil para o tomador de decisão saber de antemão o número ótimo de títulos que devem ser incluídos em sua carteira sem examinar todos os trade-offs entre risco, retorno e cardinalidade da carteira. De qualquer forma, um investidor pode perder soluções importantes com grande trade-off entre os objetivos quando for obrigado a fixar antecipadamente o número de ativos da carteira.
Uma vez que o modelo de seleção de portfólio proposto envolve variáveis de decisão inteiras mistas e objetivos múltiplos, encontrar a fronteira eficiente exata pode ser muito difícil. No entanto, encontrar uma boa aproximação da fronteira eficiente que forneça ao investidor um conjunto diversificado de carteiras capturando todos os trade-offs possíveis entre os objetivos dentro de um tempo computacional limitado é geralmente aceitável
Segundo a contribuição de Markowitz numa carteira com \(N\) ativos, temos \(R_t\) como excesso de retornos do ativo \(N\) no tempo \(t\), \(R_t = (R_{1t},\cdots, R_{Nt})^{'}\) seguem uma distribuição normal \(p(R_t | \mu, \sum ) = N(\mu, \sum)\) é uma matriz \(N \times 1\) e \(\sum\) é uma matriz \(N \times N\). Os pesos podem ser denotados como sendo \(w = (w_1 , \cdots, w_N)\). O retorno do portfolio é:
\[ R_p = \displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^{N}w_i R_{it} = w^{'}R_t \]
e o retorno esperado e a variância serão:
\[ \mu_p\displaystyle \sum^{N}_{i=1}w_i \mu_i = w^{'}\mu, \]
\[ \sigma^{2}_{p} = \displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^{N} \sum_{i=j}^{N} w_i w_j cov(R_i , R_j ) = w^{'}\sum w \]
onde \(\mu_i\) é o retorno do ativo \(i\) e \(cov(R_i, R_j)\) é a covariância dos ativos \(i\) e \(j\).
Suponha que os investidores mantenham a carteira por \(\tau\) e seu objetivo é maximizar o valor no momento \(T+\tau\) onde \(T\) é o tempo (momento) em que o portfolio é montado (construído). O modelo média-variância pode ser expresso pelo seguinte problema de otimização:
\[ \min_{w} \sigma^{2}_{p} = \min_{w}w^{'}\sum_{T+\tau} w \]
sujeito à:
$$ w^{’}_{T+} ^{*}\
w^{’}1=1, $$
onde \(\mu^{*}\) é o retorno mínimo permitido.
Em nossa aplicação definiremos 3 funções objetivo:
A função objetivo de maximização de retornos então será dada por:
\[ max \ \mu(x) = \sum_{i=1}^{N} x_i \ \mu_i \]
A segunda função-objetivo que minimiza os riscos será dada pela variância dos retornos:
\[ min \ \rho(x) = \sum_{i=1}^{N}\sum_{j=1}^{N} x_i \ x_j \ \sigma_{ij} \]
E finalmente, a nossa terceira função-objetivo será dada pelo número mínimo de ativos, sujeito à restrição de que o número de ativos é a soma de todos os ativos que possuem peso > 0. \[ \min \mbox{num ativos}(x) = \sum_{i=1}^{N} 1_{x>0} \] sujeito à:
\[ \sum_{i=1}^{N} x_i = 1 \]
\[ 0 \leq x_i \leq 1 \]
portfolio <- BatchGetSymbols(
tickers = c("ZC=F", # Futuros Milho
"ZO=F", # Futuros Aveia
"KE=F", # Futuros KC HRW Wheat Futures
"ZR=F", # Rough Rice Futures
"GF=F", # Feeder Cattle Futures
"ZS=F", # Futuros oleo de soja
"ZL=F", # Futuros Soja
"ZM=F" # Futuros farelo soja
), = "2019-01-01", = Sys.Date(),
do.cache = FALSE)
portfolio <-$df.tickers)
Vamos obter os valores dos retornos médios:
retornos_medios <- portfolio %>%
group_by(ticker) %>%
ret_medio = mean(ret.closing.prices, na.rm = TRUE)*100
retornos_medios %>%
O valor de \(R_f\) é obtido a partir da última taxa de juros básica da economia brasileira, a saber, a taxa SELIC que hoje está projetada em 12,75% a.a. ( )
rf <- 12.75/100
Ativos de covariância inversa representam a combinação ideal para o propósito de diversificação, por mais que seja raro encontrá-los na prática:
retornos_milho <- BatchGetSymbols(
tickers = "ZC=F", = Sys.Date(),
do.cache = FALSE)
retornos_milho <-$df.tickers) %>%
) %>%
milho_matriz <- retornos_milho %>%
) %>%
ret_milho = "ret.closing.prices"
) %>%
ret_milho = ret_milho*100
) %>%
retornos_aveia <- BatchGetSymbols(
tickers = "ZO=F", = Sys.Date(),
do.cache = FALSE)
retornos_aveia <-$df.tickers) %>%
) %>%
aveia_matriz <- retornos_aveia %>%
) %>%
ret_aveia = "ret.closing.prices"
) %>%
ret_aveia = ret_aveia*100
) %>%
retornos_farelo_aveia <- BatchGetSymbols(
tickers = "KE=F", = Sys.Date(),
do.cache = FALSE)
retornos_farelo_aveia <-$df.tickers) %>%
) %>%
farelo_aveia_matriz <- retornos_farelo_aveia %>%
) %>%
ret_farelo_aveia = "ret.closing.prices"
) %>%
ret_farelo_aveia = ret_farelo_aveia*100
) %>%
retornos_arroz <- BatchGetSymbols(
tickers = "ZR=F", = Sys.Date(),
do.cache = FALSE)
retornos_arroz <-$df.tickers) %>%
) %>%
farelo_arroz_matriz <- retornos_arroz %>%
) %>%
ret_arroz = "ret.closing.prices"
) %>%
ret_arroz = ret_arroz*100
) %>%
retornos_feeder_cattle <- BatchGetSymbols(
tickers = "GF=F", = Sys.Date(),
do.cache = FALSE)
retornos_feeder_cattle <-$df.tickers) %>%
) %>%
feeder_cattle_matriz <- retornos_feeder_cattle %>%
) %>%
ret_feeder_cattle = "ret.closing.prices"
) %>%
ret_feeder_cattle = ret_feeder_cattle*100
) %>%
retornos_farelo_soja <- BatchGetSymbols(
tickers = "ZM=F", = Sys.Date(),
do.cache = FALSE)
retornos_farelo_soja <-$df.tickers) %>%
) %>%
farelo_soja_matriz <- retornos_farelo_soja %>%
) %>%
ret_farelo_soja = "ret.closing.prices"
) %>%
ret_farelo_soja = ret_farelo_soja*100
) %>%
retornos_oleo_soja <- BatchGetSymbols(
tickers = "ZS=F", = Sys.Date(),
do.cache = FALSE)
retornos_oleo_soja <-$df.tickers) %>%
) %>%
oleo_soja_matriz <- retornos_oleo_soja %>%
) %>%
ret_oleo_soja = "ret.closing.prices"
) %>%
ret_oleo_soja = ret_oleo_soja*100
) %>%
retornos_grao_soja <- BatchGetSymbols(
tickers = "ZL=F", = Sys.Date(),
do.cache = FALSE)
retornos_grao_soja <-$df.tickers) %>%
) %>%
grao_soja_matriz <- retornos_grao_soja %>%
) %>%
ret_grao_soja = "ret.closing.prices"
) %>%
ret_grao_soja = ret_grao_soja*100
) %>%
Constrói a matriz de retornos e em seguida as covariâncias:
matriz_retornos <- cbind(
ret_milho ret_aveia ret_farelo_aveia ret_farelo_soja ret_oleo_soja
[1,] 0.2549395 -2.5174284 1.30067201 -0.7784023 0.5552128
[2,] 2.0025429 0.6356774 1.54076610 -1.7896514 1.2423313
[3,] 1.4023060 3.3557047 5.71127503 -0.2995537 0.6059688
[4,] -2.3355870 0.0000000 -0.09968102 1.7526290 3.7946092
[5,] 1.8879799 -2.2918258 7.92257035 1.7716565 -3.8734948
[6,] -1.0809141 2.2283034 1.16494083 -0.4352074 1.2979173
ret_grao_soja ret_arroz ret_feeder_cattle
[1,] 0.8946995 0.5456199 -0.5475594
[2,] 1.6939495 0.6029545 -0.4876571
[3,] -1.0396870 1.4983518 -0.8061929
[4,] -0.2033450 1.2695601 0.6374502
[5,] -6.0561447 3.9358601 -0.3008747
[6,] 0.6024822 -3.7026648 -0.1429422
Matriz de covariâncias dos retornos:
matriz_covariancias <- cov(matriz_retornos)
ret_milho ret_aveia ret_farelo_aveia ret_farelo_soja
ret_milho 2.8635277 1.0095866 4.465115 0.2822939
ret_aveia 1.0095866 9.8439587 1.437475 0.2006184
ret_farelo_aveia 4.4651153 1.4374752 11.468769 1.0114047
ret_farelo_soja 0.2822939 0.2006184 1.011405 2.5223386
ret_oleo_soja -0.3498239 0.7410965 -0.542328 1.2614541
ret_grao_soja -0.2587215 1.5344741 -1.603830 -0.3502507
ret_arroz 1.7715443 -1.1024467 3.203031 0.7209921
ret_feeder_cattle -1.8143153 -1.6037624 -3.063212 -1.6156568
ret_oleo_soja ret_grao_soja ret_arroz ret_feeder_cattle
ret_milho -0.3498239 -0.2587215 1.7715443 -1.8143153
ret_aveia 0.7410965 1.5344741 -1.1024467 -1.6037624
ret_farelo_aveia -0.5423280 -1.6038302 3.2030308 -3.0632118
ret_farelo_soja 1.2614541 -0.3502507 0.7209921 -1.6156568
ret_oleo_soja 3.4656524 2.8473316 -0.5053969 -0.8842805
ret_grao_soja 2.8473316 4.9053901 -1.2906651 0.1543300
ret_arroz -0.5053969 -1.2906651 3.1710905 -0.6978979
ret_feeder_cattle -0.8842805 0.1543300 -0.6978979 3.2970209
fit <- function(x){
# Pesos w de cada commoditie
w_commodity <- x
# Calcula os retornos totais (do portfolio)
f1 <- numeric()
for (i in 1:n_distinct(portfolio$ticker)) {
f1[i] <- w_commodity[i]*retornos_medios$mean[i]
retornos_medios_totais <- sum(f1) - 1e9 * (round(sum(w_commodity),10)-1)^2
# Calcula o risco do portfolio
f2 <- numeric()
for (i in 1:n_distinct(portfolio$ticker)) {
f3 <- numeric()
for (j in 1:n_distinct(portfolio$ticker)) {
f3[j] <- w_commodity[i]*w_commodity[j]*matriz_covariancias[i,j]
f2[i] <- sum(f3)
risco <- sum(f2) + 1e9 * (round(sum(w_commodity),10)-1)^2
# Calcula o numero de ativos
n_ativos <- length(w_commodity[w_commodity > 0])
return(c(-retornos_medios_totais, risco, n_ativos))
O Algoritmo Evolucionário Multiobjetivo (MOEA) é a aplicação de um algoritmo evolucionário, como o algoritmo genético para lidar com MOOP. Já existe uma grande quantidade de pesquisas nesta área, resultando em uma grande variedade de algoritmos. Algoritmo Genético de Classificação Não Dominada II (NSGA-II) é uma das escolhas populares e tornou-se uma inspiração para pesquisas posteriores.
O algoritmo utilizado NSGA-II
pode ser executado no R
com o pacote nsga2R
, em especial com o uso da função
passando pelos argumentos da função através de:
: a função de ajuste a ser minimizadavarNo
: Número de variáveis de decisãoobjDim
: Número de funções objetivolowerBounds
: limites inferiores de cada variável de
: limites superiores de cada variável de
: Tamanho da populaçãogenerations
: número de geraçõesO processo das etapas do algoritmo podem ser visualizadas a seguir:
Haverá uma população de soluções selecionados aleatoriamente.
Os valores de aptidão ou os valores da função objetivo de cada solução são calculados.
Da população, duas das soluções serão escolhidas como soluções-mãe, seja por seleção por torneio ou qualquer outro método de seleção.
As soluções escolhidas serão cruzadas para criar novas soluções, chamadas de soluções filhas.
As soluções filhas podem mudar devido às mutações aleatórias (que tem uma probabilidade muito baixa de acontecer).
Ao final da iteração, uma nova população será escolhida entre as soluções pai ou a população inicial e as soluções filhas com base nos valores de aptidão.
Enquanto o critério de parada não for atendido, geralmente em termos de número de iterações, o algoritmo continuará a iterar.
As soluções melhores ou ótimas são aquelas com o valor de fit ótimo.
Para problemas multiobjetivos, o NSGA-II trabalha com o mesmo fluxo de trabalho do processo acima. A diferença é que, ao final de cada iteração, uma nova população para a próxima iteração é escolhida usando o método de ordenação não-dominado. As soluções são divididas em várias frentes com base em seu status de dominação umas contra as outras. Se tivermos um tamanho de população inicial de 10, os 10 principais indivíduos da população de pais e filhos da melhor frente serão escolhidos para a próxima iteração. Além disso, para controlar a diversidade de soluções, calcula-se a distância de crowding, que corresponde à distância de Manhattan de duas soluções vizinhas para dois objetivos, de cada solução (vide Kramer, 2017 ). Aqueles com a maior distância de canto são finalmente selecionados.
Executaremos o algoritmo para 1.000 iterações, com tamanho populacional de 200. A probabilidade de mutação é 0,2 enquanto a probabilidade de cruzamento é 0,8.
finance_optim <- nsga2R(fn = fit,
varNo = 8,
objDim = 3,
generations = 1000,
mprob = 0.2,
popSize = 200,
cprob = 0.8,
lowerBounds = rep(0, 8),
upperBounds = rep(1, 8))
********** R based Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II *********
initializing the population
ranking the initial population
crowding distance calculation
---------------generation--------------- 1 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 1 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 2 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 2 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 3 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 3 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 4 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 4 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 5 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 5 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 6 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 6 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 7 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 7 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 8 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 8 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 9 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 9 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 10 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 10 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 11 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 11 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 12 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 12 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 13 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 13 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 14 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 14 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 15 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 15 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 16 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 16 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 17 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 17 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 18 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 18 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 19 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 19 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 20 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 20 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 21 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 21 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 22 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 22 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 23 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 23 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 24 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 24 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 25 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 25 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 26 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 26 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 27 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 27 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 28 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 28 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 29 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 29 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 30 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 30 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 31 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 31 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 32 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 32 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 33 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 33 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 34 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 34 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 35 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 35 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 36 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 36 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 37 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 37 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 38 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 38 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 39 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 39 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 40 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 40 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 41 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 41 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 42 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 42 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 43 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 43 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 44 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 44 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 45 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 45 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 46 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 46 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 47 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 47 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 48 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 48 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 49 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 49 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 50 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 50 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 51 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 51 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 52 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 52 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 53 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 53 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 54 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 54 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 55 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 55 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 56 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 56 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 57 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 57 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 58 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 58 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 59 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 59 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 60 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 60 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 61 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 61 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 62 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 62 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 63 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 63 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 64 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 64 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 65 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 65 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 66 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 66 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 67 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 67 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 68 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 68 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 69 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 69 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 70 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 70 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 71 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 71 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 72 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 72 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 73 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 73 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 74 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 74 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 75 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 75 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 76 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 76 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 77 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 77 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 78 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 78 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 79 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 79 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 80 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 80 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 81 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 81 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 82 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 82 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 83 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 83 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 84 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 84 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 85 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 85 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 86 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 86 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 87 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 87 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 88 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 88 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 89 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 89 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 90 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 90 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 91 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 91 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 92 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 92 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 93 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 93 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 94 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 94 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 95 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 95 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 96 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 96 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 97 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 97 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 98 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 98 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 99 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 99 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 100 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 100 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 101 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 101 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 102 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 102 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 103 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 103 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 104 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 104 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 105 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 105 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 106 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 106 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 107 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 107 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 108 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 108 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 109 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 109 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 110 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 110 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 111 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 111 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 112 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 112 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 113 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 113 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 114 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 114 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 115 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 115 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 116 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 116 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 117 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 117 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 118 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 118 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 119 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 119 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 120 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 120 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 121 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 121 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 122 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 122 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 123 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 123 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 124 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 124 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 125 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 125 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 126 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 126 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 127 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 127 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 128 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 128 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 129 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 129 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 130 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 130 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 131 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 131 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 132 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 132 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 133 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 133 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 134 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 134 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 135 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 135 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 136 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 136 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 137 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 137 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 138 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 138 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 139 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 139 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 140 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 140 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 141 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 141 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 142 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 142 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 143 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 143 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 144 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 144 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 145 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 145 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 146 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 146 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 147 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 147 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 148 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 148 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 149 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 149 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 150 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 150 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 151 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 151 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 152 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 152 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 153 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 153 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 154 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 154 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 155 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 155 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 156 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 156 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 157 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 157 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 158 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 158 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 159 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 159 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 160 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 160 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 161 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 161 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 162 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 162 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 163 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 163 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 164 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 164 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 165 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 165 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 166 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 166 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 167 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 167 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 168 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 168 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 169 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 169 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 170 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 170 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 171 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 171 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 172 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 172 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 173 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 173 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 174 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 174 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 175 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 175 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 176 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 176 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 177 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 177 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 178 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 178 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 179 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 179 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 180 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 180 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 181 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 181 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 182 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 182 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 183 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 183 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 184 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 184 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 185 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 185 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 186 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 186 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 187 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 187 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 188 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 188 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 189 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 189 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 190 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 190 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 191 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 191 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 192 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 192 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 193 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 193 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 194 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 194 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 195 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 195 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 196 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 196 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 197 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 197 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 198 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 198 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 199 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 199 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 200 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 200 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 201 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 201 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 202 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 202 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 203 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 203 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 204 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 204 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 205 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 205 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 206 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 206 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 207 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 207 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 208 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 208 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 209 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 209 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 210 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 210 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 211 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 211 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 212 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 212 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 213 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 213 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 214 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 214 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 215 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 215 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 216 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 216 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 217 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 217 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 218 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 218 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 219 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 219 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 220 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 220 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 221 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 221 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 222 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 222 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 223 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 223 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 224 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 224 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 225 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 225 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 226 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 226 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 227 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 227 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 228 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 228 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 229 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 229 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 230 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 230 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 231 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 231 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 232 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 232 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 233 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 233 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 234 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 234 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 235 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 235 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 236 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 236 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 237 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 237 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 238 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 238 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 239 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 239 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 240 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 240 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 241 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 241 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 242 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 242 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 243 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 243 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 244 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 244 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 245 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 245 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 246 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 246 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 247 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 247 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 248 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 248 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 249 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 249 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 250 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 250 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 251 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 251 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 252 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 252 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 253 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 253 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 254 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 254 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 255 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 255 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 256 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 256 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 257 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 257 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 258 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 258 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 259 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 259 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 260 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 260 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 261 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 261 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 262 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 262 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 263 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 263 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 264 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 264 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 265 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 265 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 266 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 266 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 267 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 267 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 268 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 268 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 269 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 269 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 270 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 270 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 271 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 271 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 272 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 272 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 273 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 273 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 274 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 274 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 275 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 275 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 276 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 276 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 277 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 277 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 278 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 278 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 279 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 279 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 280 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 280 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 281 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 281 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 282 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 282 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 283 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 283 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 284 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 284 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 285 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 285 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 286 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 286 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 287 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 287 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 288 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 288 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 289 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 289 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 290 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 290 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 291 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 291 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 292 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 292 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 293 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 293 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 294 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 294 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 295 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 295 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 296 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 296 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 297 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 297 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 298 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 298 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 299 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 299 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 300 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 300 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 301 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 301 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 302 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 302 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 303 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 303 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 304 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 304 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 305 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 305 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 306 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 306 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 307 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 307 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 308 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 308 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 309 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 309 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 310 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 310 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 311 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 311 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 312 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 312 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 313 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 313 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 314 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 314 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 315 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 315 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 316 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 316 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 317 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 317 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 318 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 318 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 319 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 319 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 320 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 320 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 321 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 321 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 322 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 322 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 323 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 323 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 324 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 324 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 325 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 325 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 326 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 326 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 327 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 327 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 328 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 328 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 329 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 329 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 330 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 330 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 331 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 331 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 332 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 332 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 333 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 333 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 334 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 334 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 335 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 335 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 336 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 336 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 337 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 337 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 338 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 338 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 339 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 339 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 340 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 340 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 341 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 341 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 342 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 342 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 343 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 343 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 344 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 344 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 345 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 345 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 346 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 346 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 347 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 347 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 348 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 348 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 349 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 349 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 350 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 350 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 351 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 351 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 352 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 352 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 353 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 353 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 354 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 354 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 355 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 355 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 356 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 356 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 357 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 357 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 358 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 358 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 359 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 359 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 360 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 360 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 361 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 361 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 362 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 362 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 363 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 363 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 364 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 364 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 365 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 365 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 366 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 366 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 367 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 367 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 368 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 368 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 369 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 369 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 370 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 370 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 371 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 371 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 372 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 372 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 373 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 373 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 374 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 374 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 375 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 375 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 376 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 376 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 377 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 377 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 378 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 378 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 379 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 379 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 380 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 380 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 381 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 381 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 382 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 382 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 383 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 383 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 384 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 384 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 385 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 385 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 386 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 386 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 387 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 387 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 388 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 388 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 389 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 389 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 390 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 390 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 391 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 391 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 392 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 392 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 393 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 393 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 394 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 394 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 395 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 395 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 396 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 396 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 397 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 397 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 398 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 398 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 399 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 399 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 400 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 400 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 401 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 401 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 402 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 402 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 403 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 403 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 404 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 404 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 405 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 405 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 406 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 406 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 407 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 407 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 408 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 408 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 409 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 409 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 410 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 410 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 411 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 411 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 412 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 412 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 413 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 413 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 414 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 414 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 415 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 415 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 416 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 416 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 417 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 417 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 418 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 418 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 419 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 419 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 420 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 420 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 421 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 421 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 422 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 422 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 423 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 423 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 424 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 424 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 425 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 425 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 426 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 426 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 427 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 427 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 428 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 428 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 429 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 429 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 430 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 430 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 431 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 431 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 432 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 432 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 433 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 433 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 434 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 434 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 435 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 435 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 436 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 436 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 437 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 437 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 438 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 438 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 439 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 439 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 440 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 440 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 441 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 441 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 442 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 442 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 443 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 443 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 444 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 444 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 445 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 445 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 446 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 446 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 447 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 447 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 448 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 448 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 449 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 449 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 450 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 450 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 451 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 451 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 452 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 452 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 453 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 453 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 454 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 454 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 455 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 455 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 456 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 456 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 457 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 457 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 458 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 458 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 459 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 459 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 460 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 460 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 461 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 461 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 462 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 462 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 463 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 463 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 464 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 464 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 465 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 465 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 466 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 466 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 467 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 467 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 468 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 468 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 469 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 469 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 470 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 470 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 471 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 471 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 472 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 472 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 473 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 473 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 474 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 474 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 475 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 475 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 476 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 476 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 477 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 477 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 478 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 478 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 479 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 479 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 480 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 480 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 481 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 481 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 482 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 482 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 483 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 483 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 484 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 484 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 485 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 485 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 486 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 486 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 487 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 487 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 488 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 488 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 489 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 489 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 490 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 490 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 491 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 491 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 492 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 492 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 493 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 493 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 494 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 494 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 495 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 495 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 496 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 496 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 497 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 497 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 498 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 498 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 499 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 499 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 500 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 500 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 501 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 501 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 502 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 502 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 503 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 503 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 504 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 504 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 505 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 505 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 506 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 506 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 507 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 507 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 508 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 508 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 509 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 509 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 510 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 510 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 511 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 511 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 512 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 512 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 513 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 513 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 514 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 514 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 515 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 515 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 516 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 516 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 517 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 517 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 518 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 518 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 519 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 519 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 520 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 520 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 521 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 521 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 522 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 522 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 523 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 523 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 524 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 524 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 525 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 525 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 526 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 526 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 527 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 527 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 528 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 528 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 529 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 529 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 530 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 530 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 531 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 531 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 532 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 532 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 533 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 533 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 534 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 534 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 535 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 535 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 536 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 536 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 537 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 537 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 538 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 538 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 539 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 539 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 540 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 540 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 541 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 541 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 542 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 542 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 543 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 543 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 544 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 544 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 545 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 545 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 546 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 546 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 547 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 547 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 548 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 548 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 549 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 549 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 550 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 550 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 551 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 551 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 552 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 552 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 553 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 553 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 554 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 554 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 555 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 555 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 556 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 556 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 557 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 557 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 558 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 558 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 559 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 559 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 560 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 560 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 561 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 561 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 562 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 562 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 563 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 563 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 564 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 564 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 565 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 565 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 566 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 566 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 567 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 567 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 568 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 568 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 569 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 569 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 570 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 570 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 571 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 571 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 572 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 572 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 573 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 573 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 574 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 574 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 575 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 575 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 576 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 576 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 577 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 577 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 578 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 578 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 579 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 579 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 580 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 580 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 581 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 581 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 582 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 582 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 583 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 583 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 584 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 584 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 585 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 585 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 586 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 586 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 587 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 587 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 588 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 588 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 589 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 589 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 590 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 590 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 591 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 591 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 592 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 592 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 593 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 593 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 594 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 594 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 595 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 595 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 596 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 596 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 597 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 597 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 598 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 598 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 599 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 599 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 600 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 600 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 601 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 601 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 602 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 602 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 603 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 603 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 604 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 604 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 605 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 605 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 606 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 606 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 607 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 607 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 608 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 608 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 609 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 609 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 610 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 610 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 611 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 611 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 612 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 612 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 613 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 613 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 614 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 614 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 615 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 615 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 616 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 616 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 617 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 617 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 618 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 618 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 619 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 619 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 620 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 620 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 621 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 621 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 622 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 622 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 623 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 623 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 624 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 624 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 625 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 625 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 626 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 626 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 627 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 627 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 628 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 628 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 629 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 629 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 630 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 630 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 631 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 631 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 632 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 632 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 633 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 633 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 634 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 634 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 635 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 635 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 636 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 636 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 637 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 637 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 638 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 638 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 639 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 639 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 640 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 640 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 641 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 641 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 642 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 642 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 643 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 643 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 644 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 644 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 645 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 645 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 646 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 646 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 647 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 647 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 648 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 648 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 649 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 649 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 650 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 650 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 651 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 651 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 652 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 652 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 653 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 653 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 654 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 654 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 655 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 655 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 656 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 656 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 657 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 657 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 658 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 658 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 659 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 659 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 660 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 660 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 661 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 661 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 662 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 662 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 663 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 663 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 664 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 664 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 665 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 665 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 666 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 666 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 667 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 667 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 668 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 668 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 669 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 669 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 670 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 670 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 671 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 671 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 672 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 672 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 673 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 673 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 674 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 674 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 675 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 675 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 676 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 676 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 677 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 677 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 678 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 678 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 679 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 679 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 680 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 680 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 681 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 681 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 682 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 682 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 683 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 683 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 684 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 684 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 685 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 685 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 686 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 686 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 687 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 687 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 688 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 688 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 689 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 689 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 690 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 690 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 691 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 691 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 692 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 692 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 693 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 693 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 694 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 694 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 695 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 695 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 696 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 696 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 697 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 697 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 698 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 698 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 699 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 699 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 700 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 700 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 701 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 701 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 702 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 702 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 703 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 703 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 704 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 704 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 705 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 705 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 706 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 706 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 707 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 707 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 708 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 708 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 709 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 709 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 710 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 710 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 711 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 711 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 712 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 712 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 713 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 713 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 714 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 714 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 715 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 715 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 716 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 716 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 717 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 717 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 718 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 718 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 719 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 719 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 720 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 720 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 721 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 721 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 722 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 722 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 723 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 723 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 724 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 724 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 725 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 725 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 726 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 726 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 727 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 727 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 728 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 728 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 729 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 729 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 730 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 730 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 731 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 731 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 732 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 732 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 733 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 733 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 734 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 734 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 735 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 735 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 736 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 736 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 737 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 737 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 738 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 738 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 739 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 739 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 740 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 740 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 741 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 741 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 742 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 742 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 743 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 743 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 744 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 744 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 745 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 745 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 746 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 746 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 747 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 747 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 748 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 748 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 749 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 749 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 750 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 750 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 751 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 751 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 752 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 752 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 753 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 753 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 754 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 754 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 755 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 755 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 756 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 756 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 757 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 757 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 758 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 758 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 759 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 759 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 760 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 760 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 761 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 761 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 762 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 762 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 763 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 763 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 764 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 764 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 765 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 765 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 766 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 766 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 767 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 767 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 768 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 768 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 769 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 769 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 770 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 770 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 771 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 771 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 772 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 772 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 773 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 773 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 774 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 774 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 775 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 775 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 776 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 776 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 777 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 777 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 778 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 778 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 779 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 779 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 780 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 780 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 781 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 781 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 782 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 782 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 783 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 783 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 784 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 784 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 785 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 785 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 786 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 786 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 787 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 787 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 788 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 788 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 789 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 789 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 790 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 790 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 791 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 791 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 792 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 792 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 793 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 793 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 794 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 794 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 795 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 795 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 796 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 796 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 797 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 797 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 798 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 798 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 799 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 799 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 800 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 800 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 801 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 801 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 802 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 802 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 803 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 803 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 804 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 804 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 805 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 805 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 806 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 806 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 807 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 807 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 808 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 808 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 809 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 809 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 810 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 810 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 811 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 811 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 812 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 812 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 813 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 813 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 814 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 814 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 815 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 815 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 816 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 816 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 817 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 817 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 818 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 818 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 819 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 819 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 820 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 820 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 821 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 821 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 822 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 822 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 823 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 823 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 824 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 824 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 825 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 825 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 826 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 826 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 827 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 827 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 828 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 828 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 829 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 829 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 830 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 830 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 831 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 831 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 832 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 832 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 833 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 833 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 834 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 834 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 835 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 835 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 836 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 836 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 837 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 837 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 838 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 838 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 839 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 839 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 840 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 840 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 841 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 841 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 842 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 842 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 843 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 843 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 844 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 844 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 845 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 845 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 846 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 846 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 847 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 847 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 848 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 848 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 849 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 849 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 850 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 850 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 851 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 851 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 852 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 852 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 853 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 853 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 854 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 854 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 855 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 855 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 856 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 856 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 857 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 857 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 858 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 858 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 859 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 859 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 860 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 860 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 861 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 861 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 862 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 862 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 863 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 863 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 864 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 864 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 865 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 865 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 866 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 866 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 867 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 867 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 868 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 868 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 869 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 869 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 870 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 870 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 871 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 871 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 872 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 872 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 873 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 873 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 874 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 874 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 875 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 875 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 876 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 876 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 877 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 877 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 878 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 878 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 879 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 879 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 880 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 880 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 881 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 881 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 882 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 882 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 883 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 883 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 884 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 884 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 885 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 885 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 886 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 886 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 887 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 887 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 888 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 888 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 889 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 889 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 890 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 890 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 891 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 891 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 892 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 892 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 893 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 893 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 894 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 894 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 895 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 895 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 896 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 896 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 897 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 897 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 898 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 898 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 899 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 899 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 900 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 900 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 901 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 901 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 902 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 902 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 903 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 903 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 904 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 904 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 905 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 905 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 906 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 906 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 907 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 907 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 908 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 908 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 909 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 909 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 910 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 910 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 911 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 911 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 912 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 912 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 913 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 913 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 914 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 914 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 915 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 915 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 916 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 916 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 917 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 917 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 918 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 918 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 919 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 919 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 920 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 920 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 921 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 921 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 922 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 922 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 923 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 923 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 924 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 924 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 925 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 925 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 926 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 926 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 927 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 927 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 928 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 928 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 929 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 929 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 930 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 930 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 931 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 931 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 932 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 932 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 933 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 933 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 934 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 934 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 935 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 935 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 936 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 936 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 937 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 937 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 938 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 938 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 939 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 939 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 940 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 940 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 941 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 941 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 942 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 942 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 943 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 943 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 944 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 944 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 945 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 945 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 946 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 946 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 947 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 947 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 948 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 948 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 949 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 949 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 950 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 950 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 951 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 951 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 952 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 952 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 953 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 953 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 954 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 954 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 955 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 955 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 956 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 956 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 957 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 957 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 958 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 958 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 959 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 959 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 960 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 960 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 961 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 961 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 962 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 962 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 963 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 963 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 964 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 964 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 965 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 965 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 966 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 966 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 967 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 967 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 968 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 968 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 969 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 969 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 970 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 970 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 971 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 971 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 972 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 972 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 973 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 973 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 974 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 974 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 975 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 975 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 976 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 976 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 977 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 977 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 978 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 978 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 979 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 979 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 980 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 980 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 981 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 981 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 982 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 982 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 983 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 983 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 984 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 984 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 985 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 985 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 986 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 986 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 987 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 987 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 988 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 988 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 989 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 989 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 990 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 990 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 991 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 991 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 992 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 992 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 993 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 993 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 994 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 994 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 995 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 995 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 996 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 996 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 997 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 997 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 998 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 998 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 999 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 999 ends
********** new iteration *********
---------------generation--------------- 1000 starts
tournament selection
crossover operator
mutation operator
evaluate the objective fns of childAfterM
Rt = Pt + Qt
ranking again
crowded comparison again
environmental selection
---------------generation--------------- 1000 ends
********** stop the evolution *********
Para verificar as soluções da frente de pareto, podemos olhar para os objetivos e subconjunto apenas naqueles com classificação da frente de pareto de 1. Vamos ver quantas soluções ótimas diferentes são geradas.
finance_optim$objectives[finance_optim$paretoFrontRank == 1, ] %>%
matrix(ncol = 3) %>% %>%
distinct() %>%
V1 = round(-V1, 5),
V2 = round(V2, 5)) %>%
`Retorno Total` = V1,
Risco = V2,
`Numero de Ativos` = V3
Checaremos agora o peso total:
sum(finance_optim$parameters[1, ])
[1] 1
A soma dos pesos deverá ser 1 (ou 100%), então podemos ter certeza de que nossa solução não viola a restrição.
Se desejarmos obter o peso de cada ativo, podemos usar o objeto de
parâmetros do arquivo finance_optim
. Vamos verificar o
parâmetro para a primeira solução.
pesos <- round(finance_optim$parameters[1, ], 5)
retornos <- round(pesos * retornos_medios$ret_medio, 5)
# tickers = c("ZC=F", # Futuros Milho
# "ZO=F", # Futuros Aveia
# "KE=F", # Futuros KC HRW Wheat Futures
# "ZR=F", # Rough Rice Futures
# "GF=F", # Feeder Cattle Futures
# "ZS=F", # Futuros oleo de soja
# "ZL=F", # Futuros Soja
# "ZM=F" # Futuros farelo soja
retornos_e_pesos <- data.frame(
tickers = c("Milho (ZC=F)",
"Aveia (ZO=F)",
"KC Aveia (KE=F)",
"Arroz (ZR=F)",
"Feeder Cattle (GF=F)",
"Oleo de Soja (ZS=F)",
"Grãos Soja (ZL=F)",
"Farelo Soja (ZM=F)"
Segundo Zhao et alli, 2019:
"The traditional portfolio selection model seriously overestimates its theoretic optimal return."
os autores então utilizam uma combinação de modelos bayesianos paramétricos para as volatilidades com modelos da família GARCH via cadeias de Markov via Monte Carlo com Mudanças de Regime.
Muitas pesquisas constatam que os retornos são heterocedásticos, mas ainda existem alguns outros experimentos empíricos que mostram que os parâmetros não são fixos e imutáveis. Quanto aos motivos das mudanças, pode ser devido à potencial transferência em diferentes mecanismos durante os processos de geração de dados. Por exemplo, as flutuações do ciclo de negócios podem ser vistas como um fator endógeno. E, na situação de mudança de regime, o modelo de mudança de regime de Markov é bom para descrever a dinâmica dos retornos e da variância.
Van Veldhuizen DA, Lamont GB (1999). “Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm Test Suites.” In Proceedings of the 1999 ACM symposium on Applied computing, pp. 351–357. ACM.
Parr JM (2012). Improvement Criteria for Constraint Handling and Multiobjective Optimization. Ph.D. thesis, University of Southampton.
Kramer, O (2017). Genetic Algorithms Essentials, 1ª ed. Springer.
Anagnostopoulos, K., P. e Mamanis, G. (2010) A portfolio optimization model with three objectives and discrete variables, In Computers & Operations Research Volume 37, Issue 7, July 2010, Pages 1285-1297, Disponível em:
Zhao, D. et. alli (2019) Portfolio Selection Based on Bayesian Theory. In Hindawi Mathematical Problems in Engineering Volume, 2019, Article ID 4246903, Disponível em:
Zhou, A., et alli (2011) Multiobjective evolutionary algorithms: A survey of the state of the art, March 2011, Elsevier, In
citation(package = "GPareto")
To cite GPareto in publications use:
Binois M, Picheny V (2019). "GPareto: An R Package for
Gaussian-Process-Based Multi-Objective Optimization and Analysis."
_Journal of Statistical Software_, *89*(8), 1-30. doi:
10.18637/jss.v089.i08 (URL:
A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
title = {{GPareto}: An {R} Package for Gaussian-Process-Based Multi-Objective Optimization and Analysis},
author = {Micka\"el Binois and Victor Picheny},
journal = {Journal of Statistical Software},
year = {2019},
volume = {89},
number = {8},
pages = {1--30},
doi = {10.18637/jss.v089.i08},
citation(package = "nsga2R")
To cite package 'nsga2R' in publications use:
Ching-Shih Tsou (2022). nsga2R: Elitist Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic
Algorithm. R package version 1.1.
A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
title = {nsga2R: Elitist Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm},
author = {Ching-Shih Tsou},
year = {2022},
note = {R package version 1.1},
url = {},
ATTENTION: This citation information has been auto-generated from the
package DESCRIPTION file and may need manual editing, see
# Execution timing
Sys.time() - start_time
Time difference of 1.133681 hours